Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Importance of Art

"Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period."

    This statement to me is basically telling me that it's not ok for young people to have a passion in creative areas. I personally have a passion in the performing and music department and that is how I express myself. Marching Band means everything to me and if I did not have it in high school, I would not be as creative and happy as I am now. 
    High school is about learning and finding yourself, and how can you do that if all you do is study and work all the time. People need a safe spot if that means art, music, or theater. People should be involved in the arts more and I get that it's not for everyone but for the people that do enjoy it deserve to have it in their lives.
    Being in the Performing Arts in high school will also help students find a career when they are older. People invested in the arts always find a balance between school and their extracurricular activities. I've been in the arts for 4 years now and for that to be taken away would be heartbreaking. Investing money into the arts is not a waste of money but instead a good way for people to express themselves.

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