Friday, February 21, 2020

Letter to the Past

Dear Past Marissa,

             If you are having trouble with learning about photography and how to use photoshop I am happy to help you. Here are a few tips I would love to share with you. If you want to get a really good photo, you need to make sure you take a bunch of photos so you can get that exact one you want. You can also make sure the lighting is good and not too light or too dark. Also try taking photos from different angles and perspectives. If you are looking for a way to be productive in class, try looking up new ways to improve your photography. You could also work on current projects and improve them in photoshop. Now if you are having trouble coming up with ideas for your projects, try the websites Mr. Klein puts up on the class blog to help you come up with creative ideas. You could also do some researching of your own or try to come up with your own ideas, originality is better. You are going to be very successful don't worry, I made sure of that. What I have included below is one of the best projects you've created. This project was very successful because you knew how to work photoshop and edit the photos to make this piece look appealing. You also took many pictures of your car from many different angles. This piece fulfilled the assignment by taking a bunch of 2-D pictures and putting them together to create a look that gives the viewer all different sides and angles of your car. To make this image, you took different pictures of your car and cropped them to fit in a cube like form to create the effect of seeing your car fully from every angle in one picture. If you decide when it gets to the point that you would like to change anything about it, you may want to play in photoshop a little more with the filters but overall this piece was very successful and the color changing idea was a great one. The picture of this piece is below, I think you will be very proud of your work.


                                                                                                                Future Marissa

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