Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Conceptual Photography


  What I am going to do differently in the second semester is improve my photoshop skills and think more out of the box with the projects. I will also increase the number of photos I take for a project.

   The grade I would give myself is a B for this reflection. I definitely increased the number of photos I take for projects and I have taken more time to think of my ideas and try to be more creative. The thing I didn't do as well on was increasing my photoshop skills. I have not been using photoshop as often and I feel I am in the same place as first semester. 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Letter to the Past

Dear Past Marissa,

             If you are having trouble with learning about photography and how to use photoshop I am happy to help you. Here are a few tips I would love to share with you. If you want to get a really good photo, you need to make sure you take a bunch of photos so you can get that exact one you want. You can also make sure the lighting is good and not too light or too dark. Also try taking photos from different angles and perspectives. If you are looking for a way to be productive in class, try looking up new ways to improve your photography. You could also work on current projects and improve them in photoshop. Now if you are having trouble coming up with ideas for your projects, try the websites Mr. Klein puts up on the class blog to help you come up with creative ideas. You could also do some researching of your own or try to come up with your own ideas, originality is better. You are going to be very successful don't worry, I made sure of that. What I have included below is one of the best projects you've created. This project was very successful because you knew how to work photoshop and edit the photos to make this piece look appealing. You also took many pictures of your car from many different angles. This piece fulfilled the assignment by taking a bunch of 2-D pictures and putting them together to create a look that gives the viewer all different sides and angles of your car. To make this image, you took different pictures of your car and cropped them to fit in a cube like form to create the effect of seeing your car fully from every angle in one picture. If you decide when it gets to the point that you would like to change anything about it, you may want to play in photoshop a little more with the filters but overall this piece was very successful and the color changing idea was a great one. The picture of this piece is below, I think you will be very proud of your work.


                                                                                                                Future Marissa

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Forced Perspective

The Importance of Art

"Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period."

    This statement to me is basically telling me that it's not ok for young people to have a passion in creative areas. I personally have a passion in the performing and music department and that is how I express myself. Marching Band means everything to me and if I did not have it in high school, I would not be as creative and happy as I am now. 
    High school is about learning and finding yourself, and how can you do that if all you do is study and work all the time. People need a safe spot if that means art, music, or theater. People should be involved in the arts more and I get that it's not for everyone but for the people that do enjoy it deserve to have it in their lives.
    Being in the Performing Arts in high school will also help students find a career when they are older. People invested in the arts always find a balance between school and their extracurricular activities. I've been in the arts for 4 years now and for that to be taken away would be heartbreaking. Investing money into the arts is not a waste of money but instead a good way for people to express themselves.

Monday, February 3, 2020

What Art? 1 Questions

In the first image, I see a girl facing the side that has an almost depressed look on her face. The background is red which helps to create the mood. The artwork is very colorful and streaky. It looks like the color of her skin is mixed with a few different colors which is very different to see. The second image has the same effect as the first but different details and a different girl facing the front this time. The background is still red, which creates the mood of the image. The painting looks very streaky and has a variety of colors in it.

1) Describe the mood of the image(s)  What is the expression on the faces of the models?  What is their posture?
The mood of the images gives off a feeling of sadness. The expression on the first model is plain and sad while the expression on the second model is pain or feeling upset. Their posture is straight but relaxed at the same time.
2) Think about technique.  How do you imagine these images were created? Oil paint? Photoshop?
These images were definitely created with oil paint because of the texture and look of the images.
3) Ask yourself what role color plays in the images(?)  Does it accentuate the mood?
The red background in the images represents sadness and pain. The mixed colors on the models themselves represents the mixed emotions they are feeling. These color choices create the mood for the viewer.
4) Finally, what do you think the artist intended to convey with these images?  What response was he/she attempting to evoke?  Do you think the effort was successful?
What I think the artist intended to convey with these images is to show different people in the same situation to show that everyone isn't alone in dark times. The response that he/she attempted to evoke is for everyone to feel like they are not alone or that they aren't the only ones in a bad situation. I do believe the effort was successful because I was able to look at the images right away and know the meaning and both are successful in the color choices.






