Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Cubism Questions

1. The steps that I believe Stephen McNally went through to create this image was first he had to think of a subject and base his pictures on that. Then he took multiple photos of that one subject with his camera from different angles, heights, shades, colors, and objects. Then he took all those photos and put them into photoshop and edited and cut them. Then he rearranged them and overlapped them. the balance of the smaller images with the bigger images adds more effect to the whole image and creates his piece.
2. I think there were no more than 10 photographs used in this composition.
3. All of the photos were taken at the same time of day because even though some of the images were darker than the others, he might have just used different lighting and shades to create that effect.
4. There are a few obvious post-processing enhancements by different shades were used, some of the photos look blurry in one area and not the rest, and the coloring and image quality looks like it has been played with.
5. Some of the photos look like they could be the same just cut from different parts which leads me to think there aren't as many photos taken, but the effect is definitely very cool.

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