Monday, December 16, 2019

1st Semester Reflection

     Part 1
1. Quality of work
  I took my images with a lot of thought and different angles and to the best of my ability. I tried to think a little differently for the subjects of my images even if I am not the most creative person in the world, but I try to use an open mind. I always fulfill the assignment and get it done on time. I always payed attention to the objective of the assignment and took photos based on that. I made sure I used the proper format and resolution for each project. Whenever the project was assigned, I would work in a timely manner to get it done. At the beginning of the first quarter I definitely went with my first idea, but as time went on, I went further with my ideas.
2. Effort
  I took the right amount of photos for each project but I definitely think I should work on taking more photos. I try to look for the item that I am thinking about, but if that is unavailable then I will look for the next best thing. I put a lot of effort into my projects but I do think I can do better on planning out my projects. Certain projects I shoot more than is required but not on all of my projects. If my idea is very difficult I will second guess it but I definitely won't put less effort into it. If a shot is physically impossible to get then I have to think of another idea, but I won't give up until I have something to work with. I don't take as many risks as I would like to take, In the future I would like to become more creative and take more risks with my photos. I have a positive attitude when viewing others work because it inspires me and makes them happy. I also have a positive attitude towards my own photography because I know I did my best and put as much effort into it as I could.
3. Participation
  I am always on time to class and am here except for a few times. If I have something to work on then I am busy in class, but if I finish everything then I work on other assignments. I do best when I work independently because then I can use my ideas and show them. I stay on task and use my time wisely to make sure everything gets done.
4. Improvement
  I have my own creativity when I take photos, they are unique because I thought of them myself. I have definitely improved technically from day 1 but I have still a long ways to go with the use of photoshop. My composition has improved also throughout time. I try to put more detail into my images now than what I use to, my projects are more fun to look at now. My confidence with my work now compared to day 1 has changed so much, I enjoy making and viewing my projects now a lot more. The concepts I try to do are stronger now as well, I put more thought into them.
5. Adjustment
  What I am going to do differently in the second semester is improve my photoshop skills and think more out of the box with the projects. I will also increase the number of photos I take for a project.
     Part 2
One assignment that I feel we should try is a travel project, like take a picture from a place you have been to and edit that or take a picture from a place you have always wanted to go to.

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