Monday, December 16, 2019

1st Semester Reflection

     Part 1
1. Quality of work
  I took my images with a lot of thought and different angles and to the best of my ability. I tried to think a little differently for the subjects of my images even if I am not the most creative person in the world, but I try to use an open mind. I always fulfill the assignment and get it done on time. I always payed attention to the objective of the assignment and took photos based on that. I made sure I used the proper format and resolution for each project. Whenever the project was assigned, I would work in a timely manner to get it done. At the beginning of the first quarter I definitely went with my first idea, but as time went on, I went further with my ideas.
2. Effort
  I took the right amount of photos for each project but I definitely think I should work on taking more photos. I try to look for the item that I am thinking about, but if that is unavailable then I will look for the next best thing. I put a lot of effort into my projects but I do think I can do better on planning out my projects. Certain projects I shoot more than is required but not on all of my projects. If my idea is very difficult I will second guess it but I definitely won't put less effort into it. If a shot is physically impossible to get then I have to think of another idea, but I won't give up until I have something to work with. I don't take as many risks as I would like to take, In the future I would like to become more creative and take more risks with my photos. I have a positive attitude when viewing others work because it inspires me and makes them happy. I also have a positive attitude towards my own photography because I know I did my best and put as much effort into it as I could.
3. Participation
  I am always on time to class and am here except for a few times. If I have something to work on then I am busy in class, but if I finish everything then I work on other assignments. I do best when I work independently because then I can use my ideas and show them. I stay on task and use my time wisely to make sure everything gets done.
4. Improvement
  I have my own creativity when I take photos, they are unique because I thought of them myself. I have definitely improved technically from day 1 but I have still a long ways to go with the use of photoshop. My composition has improved also throughout time. I try to put more detail into my images now than what I use to, my projects are more fun to look at now. My confidence with my work now compared to day 1 has changed so much, I enjoy making and viewing my projects now a lot more. The concepts I try to do are stronger now as well, I put more thought into them.
5. Adjustment
  What I am going to do differently in the second semester is improve my photoshop skills and think more out of the box with the projects. I will also increase the number of photos I take for a project.
     Part 2
One assignment that I feel we should try is a travel project, like take a picture from a place you have been to and edit that or take a picture from a place you have always wanted to go to.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Gottfried Helnwein Response 2

        1. This change in viewpoint changes my interpretation of the image by now I know it's just one giant painting on the wall of a building and it's still beautiful but the story behind it is lost with the entire image being there. In this image I see a giant painting of a girl on a wall of a building and a guy working on the image and a few people standing below it. The closer you take a photo of this image, the deeper the meaning goes, but the farther you take the photo, the less meaning it has. This image must have taken a while to put up on the wall because of the size of it, and people had to use a harness to reach that high. This image is just one image in all and not split up. The location of this image is industrial. I think people who are on a boat driving by or people from far away will see it. The intended audience is anyone who is walking by. The mood of the image is kind of sad and maybe a little depressing. The girls face in the image is melancholy but also a little optimistic because she is wide eyed and is looking at society. The title "The Last Girl" suggests that maybe she is the last girl in society that is actually open minded and is different from everyone else because she sees the world differently.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Gottfried Helnwein Response

   1. What I think is going on in this image is it looks like someone is trying to climb up a girls face, but is stuck. This is an artistic image because it's trying to tell a story. I do believe the image is photoshopped because they took a person trying to climb a mountain or wall and made it look like they are climbing a face instead. This image might represent someone trying to get through life and is stuck, or someone might be trying to figure out someone else. This image tells me that someone is struggling in life. The difference in scale between the man and the girl's face adds to my interpretation of the image by showing that the man is trying to figure out life, and the girls face represents life and the man is trying to get to the top.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Media Literacy Exercise

Instagram photos

  1. Jenny is trying to project an adventurous theme and is trying to show her adventures side by showing she loves to do different things in life.

  2. She was successful in her photos because I got the vibe right away that she loves to travel and do different activities.

  3. I think that Jenny would be a great role model to someone who is adventures like her, and would be a great friend to travel with, and an overall good person to be around.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Monday, September 9, 2019

Lost in the world like me questions

What is the general premise of the video?

The general premise of the video is everything is online now and that's all people notice, people don't enjoy what's off the phone and in real life.

Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message?

The video is effective in conveying it's intended message because it shows the people that are trying to stay off their phones are lonely and trying to get other peoples attention are being ignored and overpowered by everyone else on their phone.

Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why?

I feel that this is more of an examination of our current social situation because the entire video demonstrates real life and the problem we face today with cell phones. It shows the society we live in today and the effects of cell phone use.